Define meditation…

Years ago, and I really mean YEARS ago, I realized that when work became stressful, I needed an outlet that had nothing to do with work. I’m a designer/production management person and it was difficult for me to imagine something I enjoy that that didn’t involve a computer. However, after putting no thought into it, I picked up a pair of needles and cotton yarn and began to knit washcloths. A lot of them.

The truly meditative angle on knitting and crocheting was that I wasn’t following a difficult pattern. They were always simple enough to just do it. Cast on four for the knitted washcloth version or chain 37 for the crocheted version and go. My brain got it’s needed break and I had something to show for it. I did not have to sit in a quiet room and tune into my breathing (I was never good at this kind of focus) but I was able to pick this up anywhere I was in the world. People carry all sorts of things in their travel bag and mine always had a crochet hook and a yarn needle to weave in the ends.

Hobbies come in all shapes, sizes and complications but these are mine. Now I have added watercolor to the mix. Again, no expectations of greatness, just water, paint and a page in my sketchbook. The irony of this new joy is that in school I was forced to keep a sketchbook and turn it in every week. I hated it because it was just one more assignment that I needed to finish. In the last decade I’ve learned to love this little book. I no longer look for art in it, but ideas and tests to see how I can perform. Each time I open it I can review what i’ve added before. Some of these pages have taken months and most have taken minutes, but they all make me happy. I don’t have to think about them, I just do.

Again, meditative progress. So my definition of meditation is something that is simple enough to just do and takes my brain and my hands to a focused place that rebuilds my spirit. I wish this for everyone.

Saranac Lake
Japanese garden

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